Sullivan the youngest is constantly badgering his older and much bigger brother. There is the lurking around the corner from the litter box waiting to pounce the minute Sloane steps out. The running out from no where to hurry and take Sloane's spot on the ottoman just seconds before Sloane sits down as in "Ha, Ha, I was here first!" I have taken the liberty of translating one of their classic tussles from Meowese to human. I think I may strike a cord if you have sibling or even children.
Setting: My living room when I am at the computer with my back turned.
Sloane laying peacfully and Sullivan starts to circle.
Sloane: (Hiss) Dooon't
Sully: (circling) I'm not touching YOU.
Sloane: (Hiss) Stop iiiit.
Sully: (still circling) I'm not Touching YOU.
Sloane: (Growl) QUIT.
Sully: (circling) I'm still not Touching YOU. God, you are such a baby.
Sloane: (Growl) Stop, I'm gonna tell mom.
Sully: (Pounce and bite) Ha, ha two for flinchin'.
Sloane: (Growl, Hiss and MEOWWWW) OOOUUCH! That hurt! MOOOOOOMMMMM!
Me: BOYS! Knock it off! Sullivan let your brother alone, don't be such a bully!
Sully: (Innocent look) I didn't even DO anything, he's such a tattletale.
Sullivan (left) and Sloane (Right)
My David and Goliath

My David and Goliath
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