So today is the first day of daylight savings time. It is always a rough transition for me. This morning Sullivan woke me up at what we thought was 6:30 for his breakfast. Then I got up at what I thought was 8:30 and waited patiently for CBS Sunday Morning to start, and when it didn't start it dawned on me... I'm up an hour early. I know I should change the clocks at night but it always escapes me.
I know this week will be rough because Sullivan has been waking up right before my alarm at 6 so for awhile I know he'll be waking me up right before 5 (groan). No matter how much I try to explain to him the concept of daylight savings matter how many charts and graphs I use, like most Indiana natives, he just doesn't get it. I say that because up until about 4 years ago Indiana did not observe daylight savings time. For half the year we were on Central time and the other half on Eastern time. So overall this is a relatively new concept for most Hoosiers. So I'll just drink my coffee and enjoy the extra hour today and not think about the fur-ball that is going to be waking me up an hour early tomorrow.
Sullivan: Doesn't understand daylight savings time...
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