Monday, September 14, 2009

Alone but not lonely...

Today I scheduled a vacation day from work for two reasons: 1) I wanted a day that I could sleep in (I hate mornings!) and 2) I wanted a day to spend by myself. That's right, a day just for me. Don't get me wrong I have plenty of friends, family and a husband that I enjoy spending time with and going places and doing things together. But once in a while I just need to be alone. So on my quest for alone time today I did a combination of things that I needed to do and things I wanted to do.
I stopped at the post office, shopped at Target (bought bras, definitely a NEED not want). Then I tried a local Mexican restaurant that had caught my eye. Eating in a restaurant alone is an interesting experience and I've been known to do often. My favorite thing is when the waitstaff suspects that you may be a food critic. I'm pretty sure it has happened to me before but not today. Today, when I walked into the restaurant the first thing the waiter/host said was, "Are you meeting someone?" Nope just me, pal. I ordered nachos because I was feeling on the thrifty side, realizing that while nachos are not the epitome of Mexican cuisine, they are simple, cheap and delicious.
Then once I was well fed and watered I decided as I was driving that I needed a bit of exercise. So, I stopped at the local historical cemetery for some peace, reflection and exercise. It may sound strange but this cemetery is one of the most beautiful places. Opening shortly after the Civil War it has more of a nature preserve/park feeling to it rather than a cemetery. It is covered with trees, and hills dotted with some of the most original markers I have seen. Some dating back to right after the Civil War. I then came to the realization that the markers are the last expression of the individual. They been there even before my grandparents, in some cases my great-grandparents and will continue to there after me and future generations. How's that for permency?
Then to finish off the day I went to a local coffeehouse and worked on a Christmas knitting project and settled in for some people watching. I do this at restaurants and other public places. I watch groups of people and see how they interact, what they talk about, etc. It never ceases to interest me. That's the original reality TV.
Now I'm going to kick back with 'Tink' the Tivo and my whisker kids, Sloane and Sullivan, for a quiet afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. As a people watcher who loves mexican food and has been know to stop by the cemetery, it sounds like a nice day to me :)
