Saturday, October 10, 2009

Peace prize??

I was shocked to hear that President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize this week. It wasn't shock because I don't feel that it's not deserving but shock that someone so new to the international scene could be awarded the highest honor in the international community. It's almost sad because it says so much about the Bush Administration almost more than it does about Barrack Obama. This actually seems unfair to Obama because unfortunately it feels like although he has been working constantly toward international harmony (which is what the award is for) but that they gave him the award because finally the US has someone in charge that isn't a short-sighted, big headed, money grubbing Texan. Praise the Lord and pass the chicken.

The other thing that is so disappointing is the reaction of the conservative community. One blogger that actually made it to Yahoo! News said he wasn't aware that the Nobel prize had an affirmative action quota. That is a despicable comment! This is an international award, the committee looks all over at all sorts of people before awarding the prize. There isn't anything that President Obama could have done to bias this decision. The committee awarded the prize to the party they thought deserved it. They've been doing this awhile so I don't think that they just give those away willy-nilly.

I think the calm reaction to fervent critics that President Obama has continued to keep will win out in the end and show that this inner peace he keeps is an example of deserving behavior that earned him the prize to begin with.

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